Core And Advance Python Programming Training In Raipur

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$ 50,000

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Python Developers in the world and the demand is increasing day by day


For all those who aspire to make a career in the IT world, Python has come around to being a widely known term. Python is counted as amongst the most powerful languages in programming and is known to have a powerful presence in each filed of computer science. As an aspiring and a budding developer, learning Python is a must. Whether we talk about programming, GUI application development, data science, scientific research, web designing, game designing, hacking or data analytics, you are sure to find the presence of Python in each. With core and advanced python programming course in Raipur, the chances of having a successful career in the IT sector gets higher. With greater training,  come better job opportunities. 

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About Core And Advance Python Programming

Python is segregated into two parts:    ·Core Python – The fundamental course of Python is called Core Python. This is an introduction to the language and leads the learner to understand programming and coding to deepen your roots into Python. In Core Python Programming course in Raipur, you will learn how to code in Python and all syntax of Python with real time examples.     ·Advanced Python – The Advanced Python Programming course in Raipur will make you industry ready. You will understand advanced concepts of programming including Networking Tools, GUI applications (Tkinter), NumPy, Nimap, and Multithreading, web frameworks (Django), Urllib, SciPy, and OpenCV, among others. With the conclusion of the course, you will have become an expert in Python Programming.  At GRRAS, you will not only be taught the theoretical aspects of Python but also the practical aspects with projects based on real life implementation. 

Core And Advance Python Programming

Tracks Regular Track Full Day(Fast Track)
Training Duration 60 hours 60 hours
Training Days 45 days 10 days
    • All About Python
      • Origin
      • History
      • scope of python
      • popularity of python
      • future of python
      • use of python in different emerging technologies of modern era
      • achievements of python
      • mega projects hosted in python
    • Python Installation and Environment Setup
      • Different Flavours of python like Ipython, Jpython, Cpython, PYPY etc
      • Development Environment and it’s Requirements
      • Installation on windows
      • Installation on linux
      • Installation on mac
      • Choosing best IDE for your coding purpose from IDLE, Jupyter, Spyder, PyCharm, vscode, vim
    • Writing first program in python
      • Using vim and command line creating first hello program in python
      • Using vscode or PyCharm for Integrated Development Environments
      • Using Jupyter Notebook and it’s features for fast, simple learning process
    • Syntax of python
      • Python coding Style
      • Indentation
      • Comments in python
      • Snake style coding
      • Keywords in python
      • Built-in functions in python
    • Data type and Data Structures
      • Numbers
      • Strings
      • List
      • Dictionary
      • Tuples
      • Sets
      • Frozen Sets
      • Type Casting
    • Advance Containers from collection module
      • Queues
      • Ordered Dictionary
      • Named Tuple
      • Default Dictionary
      • Counter
      • ChainMap
      • UserDict
    • Control Statements
      • Flow diagrams
      • If – else
      • Nested if else
    • Looping in Python
      • For Loop
      • While Loop
      • Break
      • Continue
      • Else with loop
    • Functions in Python
      • Built-in Functions zip, enumerate, eval, exec, min, max, ord, chr, sorted, reversed, len, sum, power, divmod etc.
      • Defining Custom Functions
      • Function Calling
      • Scope Resolution global, local, nonlocal scope
      • Code Reusability
      • Recursion
    • Advance Functions in Python
      • Lambda anonymous function
      • Map function
      • Reduce function
      • Filter function
      • Lazy Evaluation
    • Closures and Decorators in Python
      • Memorization using closures
      • Writing extensible functions using Decorators
      • Decorators to implement oops like functionality to functions
    • OOPS
      • Encapsulation
      • Abstraction
      • Data hiding
      • Data Security
      • Access Control
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Overriding
      • Operator Overloading
      • Classes
      • Objects
      • Implementing Data Structures using OOPs
      • Message Passing and Share Space in OOPs
    • Advance OOPS
      • Name Mangling in OOPs
      • MRO (Method Resolution Order)
      • Meta Classes
      • Slots
      • Properties
      • Class methods
      • Static methods
    • Implementation of Data Structures in Python
      • Implementing Stack
      • Implementing Queue
      • Implementing Link-List
    • Generators & Iterators in Python
      • Memory Optimization Techniques
      • Lazy Evaluation
      • Custom Generators & Decorators
      • Zip like generator objects and their working
    • Exception Handling
      • Exceptions and Errors
      • Built in Exceptions
      • Handling Exceptions
      • else keyword with exception
      • finally, keyword to define Clean Up Actions
      • Custom Exception using raise keyword
      • assert keyword for assertions
      • Creating Custom Exception Class
    • File Handling
      • Type of file formats and their significance
      • File Creation and writing data to files
      • Reading data from a file
      • Overwriting files
      • Dealing with excel sheets, csv files
      • Making data persistent to create real life projects
    • Data Serialization
      • Serialization and De-Serialization
      • Serializing python objects using pickle, json and shelve modules
      • Deserializing Object State to read data from byte file or from network
      • Storing Custom Objects to make state machines
    • Installing Third Party Modules in Python
      • Pip (Python Package Installer)
      • Installing packages and modules using pip
      • pypi (python package index) repository for package lookup
      • Offline installation of a package using pip
    • Database Connectivity
      • Concept of Data Base Management Systems
      • Using sqlite3 to store lite data in database like format
      • CURD (Create, Update, Read, Delete) Operation on sql table
      • Connecting python to a MariaDB or MySQL server using pymysql or mysql-client modules
      • Un-Structure Data Base Management systems like MongoDB
    • Python Installation and Environment Setup
      • Different Flavours of python like Ipython, Jpython, Cpython, PYPY etc
      • Development Environment and it’s Requirements
      • Installation on windows
      • Installation on linux
      • Installation on mac
      • Choosing best IDE for your coding purpose from IDLE, Jupyter, Spyder, PyCharm, vscode, vim
    • Modules and Packages in Python
      • Module name space
      • If __name__ == “__main__” in Python
      • Defining Custom Modules
      • Creating Packages in Python
      • Testing Packages
      • Importing and using custom packages
      • Adding custom modules to library
    • Standard Library in Python
      • Os and Sys Module to interact with Operating System
      • Shutil Module to copy, paste and delete files
      • Subprocess Module to execute commands&their output
      • Zlib for data compression
      • Time& Datetime Module fortime management
    • Graphical User Interface using Tk
      • GUI basics
      • Widgets like button, label, frame, canvas, radio buttons
      • Check Buttons, dropdown menus, scroll bars
      • Progress Bars, message box, text box, entry widget etc
      • Geometry Managers like place, grid, and pack
      • Dialog box, top level window implementation
    • Virtual Environment
      • What is Virtual Environment
      • Difference between Production and Development Environment
      • Package versions and their importance in projects
      • Creating a separate environment for Python Projects
      • Activating Virtual Environment
      • Installing Different Version of packages in different environments
      • txt file
      • README file
    • APIs
      • Application Programming Interfaces
      • Accessing Google place APIs
      • AccessingFacebook Graph API
      • Weather API& Others
    • GitHub
      • Self-Paced through video
    • Flask Web Framework of Python
      • Installation and Configuration of Flask
      • Hello World to web using Flask
      • Templates
      • Jinja2 Template Rendering (Include and Extending)
      • Handling GET and POST requests in Flask
      • Integrating HTML, CSS, Flask together
      • Web Forms
      • Cookies and Sessions in Flask
      • Database in Flask
    • Data Science& Machine Learning Overview
      • Data Science & Machine Learning Pipeline
      • Stats& Probability
      • Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
      • Machine Learning Implementation
    • Computer Vision
      • Image Processing
      • OpenCv Module
      • Face detection
    • Core Python Projects

      • Guesses Game – In these simple projects you will learn how to play with random numbers and basic idea of making a game. This projects also includes many small projects similar to this as Rock Paper scissor Game, Dice Rolling Simulator.
      • Tic Tac Toe – implementing Tic-Tac-Toe game in python using functions, loops, arrays, standard library to practice all those by implementing in this project.
      • Bank Application – This is a very interesting project which you will be creating by yourself in background while training. With each topic you will modify your project. This is a Bank Application in which you can perform certain tasks such as opening an account, Crediting and Debuting to account, adding account and managing database to handle persistent data.
      • Text Editor &nda

Core Python Project Highlights

GRRAS provides you Project Based Learning in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. You will learn how to create projects, expert faculty help you in improving your coding and trained you to present your knowledge and projects.


  • Guesses Game – In these simple projects you will learn how to play with random numbers and basic idea of making a game. This projects also includes many small projects similar to this as Rock Paper scissor Game, Dice Rolling Simulator.
  • Bank Application – This is a very interesting project which you will be creating by yourself in background while training. With each topic you will modify your project. This is a Bank Application in which you can perform certain tasks such as opening an account, Crediting and Debuting to account, Adding account and managing database to handle persistent data.
  • Text Editor – In this module with the help of OS, sys, shutil, time modules you will be able to create notepad like editor in which you can open, save, save as, create, update, rename, search, copy,  move files in your system.
  • Logo App – with the help of turtle module you will learn to make a logo project where you can create logo and graphical drawing.
  • Search Engine – with the help of re-module, os-module and string functions & formatting you will create a Google like search engine to search something into your system or files.
  • Quiz Maker
  • Data Entry and Processing projects
  • Pattern Finder using regx
  • File Sharing Application


Advance Python Project Highlights

GRRAS provides you Project Based Learning in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. You will learn how to create projects, expert faculty help you in improving your coding and trained you to present your knowledge and projects.


  • Database Implementation - This is a huge and logical project where we have to make our own database using python files, OS modules, String Functions and Re-Modules plus using Multi-threading and all most all concepts of python.
  • A Daily Shop Product Enquiry Application – In this application we will make a application which will keep track of all day sale and left stock in a daily shop. Almost every retailer using this type of application so it will be fun to making such a application.
  • Graphical Chat Application – This is interesting isn’t it? In this project we will make whatsapp. Like GUI Chat application where in chatroom box 2 or more people can chat with each other as well as can share files.
  • Mailing Application (Mail Bombing, Automated Mail service) – In this project we will make email applications to automate mail sending and also we can make a mail bombing application to attack someone’s mail account.
  • Download Manager – In this project we will make a download manager which will be able to download almost any type of data directly and speedily using urllib module.
  • Map Application – This application will give description about the place which will be given as input.
  • Calculator - GUI calculator is an application to perform calculation. This will be done by tkinter module.
  • A Django Based Dynamic Web-site – This is totally your project where you will be making a real time web-site based on your idea using Django module.
  • Polling and Blog Website - These websites are powered by Django module and have very advanced web-designing.
  • Port Scanner – Enter a IP address and a port range where the program will then attempt to find open ports on the given computer by connecting to each of them. On any successful connections mark the port as open.

Python Web Developers:

python Web Developers usually develop back-end components, connect the application with the other (often third party) web services, and support the front-end developers by integrating their work with the Python application. He is also responsible for writing server-side application logic

Research Analyst:

The research analyst perform research and gather data to help a company market its products or services, They collect data and information using a variety of methods, such as interviews, questionaries’, focus groups, market analysis surveys, and literature reviews.  

Data Analyst:

Data analyst is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. 

Software Developer:

A software developer is a person concerned with facets of the software development process, including the research, design, programming, and testing of computer software. Other job titles which are often used with similar meanings are programmer, software analyst, and software engineer.  

  • Placement Assistance
  • Live Project Assessment
  • Lifetime Career Support
  • Lifetime Training Membership (Candidate can join same course again for purpose of revision and update at free of cost at our any center in India or you can solve your query by online help)
  • Python Based Exam Scenario Preparation Included IN Training
  • Python Certification Preparation

Enrollment For Python


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Job Oriented Program

Our Job Oriented Program is one of a kind and a unique program that\r\noffers you 100% job guarantee right after completing the certification\r\nprogram and training with us. It is one of our renowned programs for\r\nproducing job ready and experienced candidates with apt technical and\r\nsoft skill knowledge demanded in the prompt evolving IT and digital\r\nindustries.

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Our Team

Mr Akhilesh Jain G

Akhilesh Jain

10+ Years Experience B.Tech, AWS-CSA, RHCE & RHCSS Expertise in Network Security & AWS

Mr. Rajat Goyal

Rajat Goyal

10+ Years Experience B.Tech, RHCE, RHCSS, Cloud Certified Expertise in Linux, Cloud & Scripting

Ravi Sarswat

10+ Years Experience MCA, RHCE, RHCVAExpertise in Linux & Virtualization

Mr . Gaurav Saluja

Gaurav Saluja

10+ Years Experience B.Tech, RHCA-Level5, RHCDS, RHCSS, RHCVA, RHCE Expertise in Linux Troubleshooting & Tuning

Sachin Yadav

Sachin Yadav

5+ Years Experience B.Tech, RHCE, Python Certified Expertise in R & Python ,Data science & Artificial Intelligence


Nidhi Sharma

4+ Years ExperienceMBA, Career CounselorExpertise in Career Counselling  

Mr. Pawan Khatri

Pawan Khatri

4+ Years Experience MCA, Career Counselor Expertise in Soft Skills Training

Nikhil Maheshwari

2.5 + years ExperienceB.Tech, RHCSA ,RHCEExpertise in Redhat Linux &Cloud computing(AWS)

Nidhi Singh Choudhary

4+Years Experience B.Tech , BDM , Softskills TrainerExpertise in Career Counselling and Softskills

Kushal Samota

3+years ExperienceB.Tech. Expertise in Redhat Linux, Ansible,DevOps,Docker ,Cloud

Shahrukh Khan

2+ years experienceB.Tech, Rhcsa,Rhce, Ansible,AWSExpertise in Linux,AWS And Ansible

Naveen Singh

15+ years experienceExpertise in Softskill and communication training,BPO training,IELTS &TOEFLManager-Placement and company tie ups

Vijender Kumawat

9+ years experienceM.tech, B.techExpertise in Digital Marketing

Ravi Swami

2+ years experienceB.Tech, Rhcsa,Rhce, Ansible,AWSExpertise in Linux,AWS And Ansible, Python MySQL

Rupesh Saini

BCA RHCSA, RHCE, Experties in Ansible Automation, RHCVA, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Server Security, CompTIA A+,CompTIA N+, CSCU

Jyoti Gautam

3 years experienceMCA Expertise in RHCSA, RHCE, AWS, Azure, GCP, Docker & container, K8, Openstack

Simran Grover

3 Years ExperienceB.TechExpertise in Python, Web Design(html,css,bs), Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Big Data

Mayank Sharma

1.5 Years ExperienceB.TechExpertise in AWS, Azure, RHCSA, RHCE,  Sys-Admin, Office365, Logic Monitor

42 Review(s)

Vaishali Darji (Oct 2019)

I get very motiveted environment & faculty of grras are very excellent and co operative.

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mayank meena (Jul 2019)

i m a b.tech student in have taken training for python here i got a family environment teachers are supportive the environment of study is very good also in very helpful in project and always ready to solve out problems at last only i can say this is the nice place to growth your self

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Rishabh Gurjar (Jul 2019)

Environment was awesome. I love the way teacher taught me. I understood every little details which was difficult to understand. Classroom condition was also fabulous. I love the time spent in the classes.

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Imran khan (Jul 2019)

Grras will provide a good environment for students and learners .

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Imran khan (Jul 2019)

Grras will provide a good environment for students and learners .

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Sumit kathet (Jul 2019)

Best Training institute

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Govind Ram (Jul 2019)

It is good for programming course and i am happy to join Grass.. Propper training and project work also done in my session

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Utkarsh singh (Jul 2019)

Its a great place to learn new technologies and to work on them...and the place provide you best environment for learning,

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Hanisha khatri (Jul 2019)

Faculty is very interactive and always try to solve doubts on time. And the faculty is very supportive.

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Pradeep Kr. Sharma (Jul 2019)

Good learning environment provided. Best trainer sachin sir

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Sheetal Raghav (Jul 2019)

Grras solution is a nice institute for training purpose. Nikita ma'am is very humble. Sachin sir taught us many things and he is very supportive person. Faculties is very interactive.

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Vartika dadhich (Jul 2019)

There is best guidance about career. Faculties is very interactive. All are supportive and helpful.

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Garima jain (Jul 2019)

Simran mam teaches python programming in the best way and i like the way the counsellor mam of Grras are supportive 

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Garima jain (Jul 2019)

Nice institute and teachers are guide helpfull

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Devansh Mathur (Jul 2019)

Faculty is very interactive and try to solve doubts time to time.

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Apoorva Raghuwanshi (Jul 2019)

Faculty is extremely good and try to explain each topic in deep. Doubts are solved timely and class environment is very interactive. ADD-ON courses are also taken along with the registered course

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Yash mathur (Jun 2019)

A really great place to learn new advanced technology and enchance your future skills

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Parag Khandelwal (Jun 2019)

I am very satisfied and happy with the training provided by GRRAS Solutions Pvt. Ltd.The atmosphere of the training was good and I learned more than I expected. I have done Data science and Big data course from here. The trainer of data science Mr. Sachin Yadav is very supportive and best trainer.I will recommend Grras to every student who are looking up for training in data science or big data.

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Dinesh Rajpurohit (Jun 2019)

Grras is the best Institute if you want to do your AI Training. They provided me with the best Faculties and Best Environment. They focused on me as a individual and made sure I understood everything. I am really happy that I found Grras, they one the best Infrastructure and Support. They let us work and practice here all day long and give us a system for it too. Thank You Grras!!

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Hitesh kumar (May 2019)

I did training in python my mentor was good in teaching and I got good environment to prove my best and the batch timing was flexible according to students so overall this was my best training institute in my life..thanks grrass

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Anand Sharma (May 2019)

I have done my internship form here.

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Divya Parwani (Apr 2019)

I did my training in Data Science from this institute. The faculty has in-depth knowledge of not only the subject but of other trending technologies. They have a friendly and learning environment.

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Preyanshu Trivedi (Apr 2019)

It's better to take a training from GRRAS because their are good structure available to improve our skill.

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Simran Grover (Mar 2019)

A best place to get trained. Got to learn a lot. Superb trainers. Great place to learn new technologies.

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Garvit Khandelwal (Jan 2019)

Best training center with best trainers. Really a great place to learn new technologies.

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Rashmi goyal (Jan 2019)

Best training at Grras solution pvt . They teach us more practical knowledge than the theoretical knowledge

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Kriti Kaushik (Jan 2019)

It was great learning at Grras Solutions. Teachers are good and cooperative.

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Madhvi bansal (Jan 2019)

Best training at data science in grradd solutions . They give practical knowledge more instead of theoretical

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girraj jangid (Sep 2018)

Best teacher for beginners . Sachin Yadav Sir

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Asif mohd sheikh (Sep 2018)

This is the place from where i learned - python( core and advance) and redhat with amazing experience of learning. Faculties have great knowledge. They are even ready to help us after the completion of our course. so i recommend you to take atleast demo here.

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parth sarthi (Sep 2018)

One of the most finest place to get trained in python and as well a nice trainer. Mr Sachin Yadav, a great mentor and a nice guide.

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Rahul Tiwari (Sep 2018)

Literally had a very good experience with some great exposure . The faculties are truly the heart of the institution.

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Sujit Kumar Rai (Aug 2018)

Grass is nice place to get start any knowledge. It's my own experience. The teachers are good and cooperative

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Gaurav surolia (Aug 2018)

Very good and friendly instructors who always ready to help.

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Harshit (Aug 2018)

We had good learning experience and learned new technologies here and are confident to build our career on what we learned Things we learned Linux Python Datascience

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Mahesh Singh Tanwar (Aug 2018)

My experience was very good in grass.The enviornment is very good

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It was a really great experience at grras. Faculty was great and a nice atmosphere of learning. Thank you Grras.

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Kanika agarwal (Jul 2018)

Really had a good learning experience.

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Stuti saxena (Jul 2018)

Great experiences bening part of this training institued

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Khushi Agrawal (Jul 2018)

Have a great experience working with the grass and get a chance to learn various technologies.

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I learned Python & Django at GRRAS jaipur and faculties were very supportive and I got proper practical knowledge and focus on basics are very good at GRRAS Solutions

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udit sharma (Jul 2018)

The best in jaipur to learn python ..i personally enjoyed the training there of python and web development

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1 Year Diploma Program

Absolutely FREE & 100% JOB GUARANTEE

Get training on Linux, Ansible, Devops ,Python , Networking , AWS and Openstack Cloud by Certified Trainers at GRRAS. You would be able to get the best training along with the interview preparation in this course module .

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