Full Stack Development Training And Certification Course In Raipur

Become Experts In Full Stack Development Training And Certification Course In Raipur  With Us.

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Advantages of Full Stack Development Certification Training Course

₹ 2,50,000+

Average Salary per Annum in India

$ 50,000

Average Salary per Annum in USA


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Full Stack Developers in the world and the demand is increasing day by day


When you join Grras Solutions for Full Stack Training Course in Jaipur, your value as a developer in the tech world grows manifold. With your competency in handling complete web development process in any organization, you become an inseparable asset to recruiters. There is only one language you need to learn to be able to work on these stacks and that is JAVASCRIPT. After having completed this training, you will be able to handle front end development, back end development, as well as everything associated with database aspects. The development process can be sped up with accurate skills. 

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About Full Stack Development Certification Training Course

When it comes to full stack development, two of its aspects are most primarily in demand. There aspects are: MEAN – the term refers to a collection of JavaScript based technologies which are used to develop web applications. MEAN is an acronym for Mongo DB, Express JS, Angular and Node.js. With each of these playing integral parts, MEAN makes full stack JavaScript.However, if you replace Angular with ReactJs, then you will be left with MERN. MongoDB is a scheme less NoSQL database system. It makes it easier to pass data between server and client since the data is saved in binary JSON format. Express is a lightweight framework and is used in the building of web applications in Node. There are multiple robust features offered by Express and it has been inspired by Sinatra, which is a popular Ruby framework. Angular is a framework by JavaScript which has been developed by Google. There are a lot of cool features offered by Angular including two-way data binding. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript execution environment. Build on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript runtime, it helps in building concurrent and highly scalable application at a fast pace. React is also a JavaScript Library which is supported by Facebook. Its main feature is that is can be used in place of Angular. Joining Grras Solutions for Full Stack Training Course in Raipur will give your career a fruitful turn and help you in establishing yourself as a professional in a world that makes place only for the best. 

About FULL STACK Development

Tracks Regular Track Full Day(Fast Track)
Training Duration 160 hours 160 hours
Training Days 80 days 20 days
    • Overview Of Web Development Technologies
      • How client Server Communication work
      • understanding three tier architecture
      • role of different technologies
      • changed role of Java script
    • HTML Basics
      • introduction of tags
      • Empty and Container Tags
      • html elements
      • html attributes
      • html tables
      • html Lists
      • html div
      • html forms
      • html other important tags
    • CSS Basics
      • Introduction of CSS
      • Inline CSS
      • Internal CSS
      • External CSS
      • intro of selectors
      • Basic Selectors
      • Combinator selector
      • pseudo class selector
      • pseudo element selector
      • attribute selector
      • Making a Basic Navigation Bar with UL LI
      • Positioning in CSS
      • Type Of Elements
      • handling Gap in inline and inline block elements
      • Box model( Margin, Padding, border, Box sizing , overflow)
      • Float property
      • positioning in CSS
      • flex Module in CSS
      • Grid Layout in CSS
      • Transform property
      • animation using transition property
      • animation using key frames and animation property
      • media query in css
    • BootStrap Framework
      • Introduction of bootstrap
      • Bootstrap carousal
      • BS Grid Basic
      • BS Typography
      • BS Tables
      • BS Images
      • BS Jumbotron
      • BS Wells
      • BS Alerts
      • BS Buttons
      • BS Button Groups
      • BS Glyphicons
      • BS Badges/Labels
      • BS Progress Bars
      • BS Pagination
      • BS Pager
      • BS List Groups
      • BS Panels
      • BS Dropdowns
      • BS Collapse
      • BS Tabs/Pills
      • BS Navbar
      • BS Forms
      • BS Inputs
      • BS Carousel
      • BS Modal
      • BS Tooltip
      • BS Popover
      • BS Affix
      • BS Filters
    • JS Introduction
    • Variables in JS
    • Operators in JS
    • JS Data Types
    • JS Control statements
    • JS Functions
    • JS Events
    • Accessing Dom Elements in JS
    • Manipulating Dom
    • Form Validation
    • HTML5 inbuilt validation attributes
    • custom Validation
    • Using Regex in Form Validation
    • JS Objects
    • JS Strings
    • JS Numbers
    • JS Arrays
    • JS Dates
    • JS Date Formats
    • JS Math
    • JS Random
    • JS Booleans
    • JS Errors
    • JS Let
    • JS Const
    • jQuery Usage
    • Downloading jQuery
    • jQuery: Operational Overview
    • Basic Selectors
    • Hierarchical Selectors (Combinators)
    • Attribute Selectors
    • Filtering Methods
    • Traversing Methods
    • Selecting From Forms
    • Selecting Parent and Children
    • Manipulating DOM Elements
    • Getting and Setting Attribute Values
    • Removing Attributes
    • Binding Events to Handler
    • Triggering Events
    • Changing HTML Content
    • Changing Text Content
    • Introduction to Animations
    • Effects (Basic Animation)
    • JSON Parsers
    • Sending Data
    • jQuery AJAX Utility Methods
    • JS CallBacks
    • JS CallBack Hell
    • Asynchronus Behaviour of JS
    • Java Script Threading Model
    • Arrow Functions
    • ways of Function Definition
    • ways of function calling
    • context binding
    • Advance Operators ( typeof, instanceof, in, rest and spread, delete, ** )
    • destructuring in js
    • template string
    • Variable Hoisting
    • JS Clousers
    • JS Objects
    • JS Constructor
    • JS prototypal inheritance 
    • JS Promise intro
    • JS Promise implemetation
    • Observable
    • Obervable implimentation with RxJs
    • Async / Await in JS
    • JS global object
    • understanding 'this'
    • import export js Modules
    • Introduction
    • What is TypeScript
    • Your First TypeScript Program
    • Declaring Variables
    • Types
    • Type Assertions
    • Arrow Functions
    • Interfaces
    • Classes
    • Objects
    • object communication assignments
    • inheritance
    • Constructors
    • Access Modifiers
    • Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
    • Properties
    • Modules
    • import and export
    • Exercise

    Angular Getting started

    • Introduction
    • What is Angular
    • Architecture of Angular Apps
    • Setting Up the Development Environment
    • Your First Angular App
    • Structure of Angular Projects
    • What is Webpack
    • Angular Version History (AngularJS and Angular)

    Angular Fundamentals

    • Introduction
    • Building Blocks of Angular Apps
    • Creating Components
    • Creating Components Using Angular CLI
    • Templates
    • Directives
    • Services
    • Dependency Injection
    • Generating Services Using Angular CLI

    Displaying Data and Handling Events

    • Introduction
    • Property and Attribute Binding
    • Adding Bootstrap
    • Class Binding
    • Style Binding
    • Event Binding
    • Template Variables
    • Two-way Binding
    • Pipes


    • Introduction
    • ngIf
    • ngSwitchCase
    • ngFor
    • ngClass
    • ngStyle

    Template-driven Forms

    • Introduction
    • Building a Basic Bootstrap Form
    • Types of Forms
    • ngModel
    • Adding Validation
    • Specific Validation Errors
    • Styling Invalid Input Fields
    • Cleaner Templates
    • ngForm
    • ngModelGroup
    • Control Classes and Directives
    • Disabling the Submit Button
    • Working with Form fields

    Reactive Forms

    • Introduction
    • Building a Bootstrap Form
    • Creating Controls Programatically
    • Adding Validation
    • Specific Validation Errors
    • Implementing Custom Validation
    • Validating Upon Submitting the Form
    • Nested FormGroups
    • FormBuilder

    Consuming HTTP Services

    • Introduction
    • JSONPlaceHolder
    • Getting Data
    • Creating Data
    • Updating Data
    • Deleting Data
    • OnInit Interface
    • Separation of Concerns
    • Extracting a Service
    • Handling Errors
    • Extracting a Reusable Data Service
    • The Map Operator
    • Observables vs Promises

    Routing and Navigation

    • Introduction
    • Routing in a Nutshell
    • Configuring Routes
    • RouterOutlet
    • RouterLink
    • RouterLinkActive
    • Accessing Route Parameters
    • Programmatic Navigation
    • Routes with Multiple Parameters
    • Query Parameters
    • The SwitchMap Operator

    Authentication and Authorization

    • Introduction
    • Application Overview
    • Architecture
    • Difference Authentication and Authorization
    • Implementing the Login
    • Implementing the Logout
    • Showing - Hiding Elements Based on the User's Role
    • Getting the Current User
    • Redirecting the Users After Logging In
    • Protecting Routes Based on the User's Role
    • Accessing Protected API Resources


    • Introduction
    • Preparing for Deployment
    • JIT vs AOT Compilation
    • Angular Compiler in Action
    • Building Applications with Angular CLI
    • Environments
    • Linting
    • Deploying to production


    Introduction to Node JS

    • Introduction to Node JS
    • What is Node JS,
    • Node.js Process Model
    • Advantages of Node JS
    • Traditional Web Server Model

    Setup Development Environment

    • Install Node.js on Windows
    • Working in REPL
    • Node JS Console

    Node JS Modules

    • Functions, Buffer, Module
    • Core Modules
    • Local Modules
    • Modules Types
    • Modules Exports

    Node Package Manager

    • What is NPM
    • Installing Packages Locally
    • Adding dependency in package json
    • Installing package globally
    • Updating packages

    Creating Web Server

    • Creating Web Server
    • Handling http requests
    • Sending Requests

    File System

    • Fs.readFile
    • Writing a File
    • Writing a file asynchronously
    • Opening a file
    •  Deleting a file
    • Other IO Operations


    • Event Emitter class
    • Returning event emitter
    • Inheriting Events

    Express JS

    • Configuring Routes
    • Working with Express
    • Api Building with Express
    • Serving Static Files
    • Working with Middle Ware

    Database Connectivity

    • Connecting String
    • Configuring
    • Working with Select Command
    • Updating Records
    • Deleting Records



    • Introducing MongoDB
    • Installing MongoDB on Windows
    • Connecting to MongoDB
    • Schemas
    • Models
    • Saving a Document
    • Querying Documents
    • Comparison Query Operators
    • Logical Query Operators
    • Regular Expressions
    • Counting
    • Updating a Document-
    • Removing Documents

    Mongo - Data Validation

    • Validation
    • Built-in Validators
    • Custom Validators
    • Async Validators
    • Validation Errors
    • SchemaType Options

    Authentication and Authorization

    • Introduction
    • Creating the User Model
    • Registering Users
    • Hashing Passwords
    • Authenticating Users
    • Testing the Authentication
    • JSON Web Tokens
    • Generating Authentication Tokens
    • Storing Secrets in Environment Variables
    • Setting Response Headers
    • Getting the Current User
    • Logging Out Users
    • Role-based Authorization
    • Testing the Authorization
    • Authentication and Authorization Recap

    Handling and Logging Errors

    • Introduction
    • Handling Rejected Promises
    • Express Error Middleware
    • Try Catch Blocks
    • Express Async Errors
    • Logging Errors
    • Logging to MongoDB
    • Uncaught Exceptions
    • Unhandled Promise Rejections


    • Introduction of AWS
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk( Run and manage web apps )
    • Amazon RDS (Managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB ) 
    • Amazon DynamoDB (Managed NoSQLdatabase)
    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) (Scalable storage in the cloud )
    • Heroku Cloud Platform

There are no special certification available in this domain by any International Company .Companies that are providing the training in this domain, do provide their own certification . Hence you will be provided with GRRAS Certification after the completion of the training .

Full Stack Developers :

Applications build using MEAN stack are effective in time and cost as well as are easy to maintain. The primary responsibility of full stack developers is to design user interactions on website, developing servers and databases for website functionality and coding for mobile platforms.

MEAN Stack Developer :

Being a MEAN Stack developer, you are expected to develop web applications based on JavaScript and its internal technologies.

Angular JS Developers :

These Developers require the knowledge of open-source front-end web development and handling the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.

  • Placement Assistance
  • Live Project Assessment
  • Lifetime Career Support
  • Lifetime Training Membership (Candidate can join same course again for purpose of revision and update at free of cost at our any center in India or you can solve your query by online help)

Enrollment For Full Stack Development Course


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Job Oriented Program

Our Job Oriented Program is one of a kind and a unique program that offers you 100% job guarantee right after completing the certification program and training with us. It is one of our renowned programs for producing job ready and experienced candidates with apt technical and soft skill knowledge demanded in the prompt evolving IT and digital industries.

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Our Team

Mr Akhilesh Jain G

Akhilesh Jain

10+ Years Experience B.Tech, AWS-CSA, RHCE & RHCSS Expertise in Network Security & AWS

Mr. Rajat Goyal

Rajat Goyal

10+ Years Experience B.Tech, RHCE, RHCSS, Cloud Certified Expertise in Linux, Cloud & Scripting

Ravi Sarswat

10+ Years Experience MCA, RHCE, RHCVAExpertise in Linux & Virtualization

Mr . Gaurav Saluja

Gaurav Saluja

10+ Years Experience B.Tech, RHCA-Level5, RHCDS, RHCSS, RHCVA, RHCE Expertise in Linux Troubleshooting & Tuning

Sachin Yadav

Sachin Yadav

5+ Years Experience B.Tech, RHCE, Python Certified Expertise in R & Python ,Data science & Artificial Intelligence


Nidhi Sharma

4+ Years ExperienceMBA, Career CounselorExpertise in Career Counselling  

Mr. Pawan Khatri

Pawan Khatri

4+ Years Experience MCA, Career Counselor Expertise in Soft Skills Training

Nikhil Maheshwari

2.5 + years ExperienceB.Tech, RHCSA ,RHCEExpertise in Redhat Linux &Cloud computing(AWS)

Nidhi Singh Choudhary

4+Years Experience B.Tech , BDM , Softskills TrainerExpertise in Career Counselling and Softskills

Kushal Samota

3+years ExperienceB.Tech. Expertise in Redhat Linux, Ansible,DevOps,Docker ,Cloud

Shahrukh Khan

2+ years experienceB.Tech, Rhcsa,Rhce, Ansible,AWSExpertise in Linux,AWS And Ansible

Naveen Singh

15+ years experienceExpertise in Softskill and communication training,BPO training,IELTS &TOEFLManager-Placement and company tie ups

Vijender Kumawat

9+ years experienceM.tech, B.techExpertise in Digital Marketing

Ravi Swami

2+ years experienceB.Tech, Rhcsa,Rhce, Ansible,AWSExpertise in Linux,AWS And Ansible, Python MySQL

Rupesh Saini

BCA RHCSA, RHCE, Experties in Ansible Automation, RHCVA, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Server Security, CompTIA A+,CompTIA N+, CSCU

Jyoti Gautam

3 years experienceMCA Expertise in RHCSA, RHCE, AWS, Azure, GCP, Docker & container, K8, Openstack

Simran Grover

3 Years ExperienceB.TechExpertise in Python, Web Design(html,css,bs), Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Big Data

Mayank Sharma

1.5 Years ExperienceB.TechExpertise in AWS, Azure, RHCSA, RHCE,  Sys-Admin, Office365, Logic Monitor

1 Year Diploma Program

Absolutely FREE & 100% JOB GUARANTEE

Get training on Linux, Ansible, Devops ,Python , Networking , AWS and Openstack Cloud by Certified Trainers at GRRAS. You would be able to get the best training along with the interview preparation in this course module .

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